OneBayArea / Maps

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Door-to-door travel time (in minutes) per MTC’s travel model.

Median neighborhood home value in year 2010 dollars, per MTC’s land use model.

Decade to use for housing price and transportation time projections.

2010 2020 2030 2040

How to Use This Interactive Map

This interactive map allows you to explore the connection between the median price of a home in the Bay Area and the time it takes to get to places based on the mode of travel you choose and the travel time parameters that you select.

Enter a city or address, then click “Locate.”

Click on the icons to change how you travel (as a single occupant in an automobile, in a carpool, or via transit, bicycle or walking) and the time of day you travel in order to see how travel times are affected by these variables to see the difference that you can travel. On the map itself, hover your mouse over a specific location to see travel times.

Note: The time of day options are not available if you choose bicycling or walking as your transportation mode.

Adjust the sliding bars to filter the time you want to spend traveling (one-way) and to show those areas with median housing prices you select. You can also view projected future data by adjusting the decade slider. On the map itself, hover your mouse over a specific location to see the actual travel time and housing price.

If you are interested in looking at travel time only, turn off the housing price feature by unchecking the box next to that slider. To look only at housing prices, uncheck the travel times box.

Don’t forget, for real-time travel information, visit or call 511 on the phone.




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